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《我变成了僵尸》第3859章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《我变成了僵尸第3859章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《我变成了僵尸》完美结局版第3859章全文。

重生回2010年不一样的平行世界。在这个世界,周子鸢她是个可爱娇弱的女孩子,带着未来的智能手机懵懵懂懂的闯进了过去的新世界。 但是,曾经遗憾的人,逝去的往事,会得到改变吗? 死过一次的周子鸢,被少女变... 重生后我被喜欢的女孩子变成僵尸

【锦鲤抄同人征文作品】他是画锦鲤成痴、冷漠无情的景昭王慕容勿离,冷酷锐利,杀伐果决。她是修炼成人的锦鲤妖黎锦,费尽心思,成为身份尊贵的王妃,却是别有目的。斗姨娘,红杏出墙,阴谋算计,直至熊熊大火将他吞没,黎锦仰天狂笑,“陆浅溪,滋味如何?这是你欠我的!”真相如此残酷,慕容勿离的恨... 锦离两生花

如果神会死,那神在死后将留下什么?万亭国,一个延续了近两千年统治的古老王国,神之子的血液流淌在第二种人类的身上,他们被称为贵族,世代承袭先祖的遗愿,守护着真正的人类。然而就是这样一个曾经强大无比的王国,如今却只能依靠结界封锁边境以抵挡邻国的觊觎,在二十年前故王后屠杀王城的惨案之后,这个国家陷入了前所未有的困难。逃离王城的故王后在外海小岛生下的公主,成为了拯救万亭国的唯一希望…… 神陨之境_羽阳传

本人,比较懒,不会经常更新 隐形的鸡翅膀

Story of Edith&Andre: “O’Lady Liberty divine!For thee alone, my life I’d resign:I beseech all to carve thy name so fair,On my tombstone, for all to stare.”“This is a love poem for me?”Edith couldn’t help muttering resignedly. But what else could she do? Her lover was a stoic little leader! Every time she complained that he was always working tirelessly, Andre would smile and whisper in her ear, “Have you not heard? ‘A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave’.”It seemed like an ominous omen when he ultimately had neither a grave nor a tombstone.The only thing Andre left her was a small notebook with a red cover. The front page was inscribed with neatly written words: Love, Compassion, Liberty.The final pages remained blank, but at the very end was a small line of pencil writing, already smudged and faded. Each letter was bold and alive, revealing the profound happiness and fervor of the writer: “Liberty is the right to love and to be loved.”Story of Fiona:Little Fiona always thought that she lived in a world entirely separated from those wealthy girls, until this barefooted waif became a little Marchioness overnight. She had two fathers, one grand and handsome like a god, the other short and frail like a reed. They believed in completely different philosophies - the latter left her mired in poverty and shame, while the former pulled her into a heaven full of dignity and glory.Fiona chose one and abandoned the other. She felt she lacked nothing: beauty, wealth, honour, and love. Until she met that angel in the scarlet dress again. A century later, the old soldier who ended Fiona’s life recalled her in his memoir: “I felt that old lady was a blaze of fire. I aimed at her, shot, and she fell. But bullets could never snuff out flames.”What romantic entanglements will fate weave for these noble souls? LoveatDawn

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