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《财色无双》第1720章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《财色无双第1720章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《财色无双》完美结局版第1720章全文。

Story of Edith&Andre: “O’Lady Liberty divine!For thee alone, my life I’d resign:I beseech all to carve thy name so fair,On my tombstone, for all to stare.”“This is a love poem for me?”Edith couldn’t help muttering resignedly. But what else could she do? Her lover was a stoic little leader! Every time she complained that he was always working tirelessly, Andre would smile and whisper in her ear, “Have you not heard? ‘A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave’.”It seemed like an ominous omen when he ultimately had neither a grave nor a tombstone.The only thing Andre left her was a small notebook with a red cover. The front page was inscribed with neatly written words: Love, Compassion, Liberty.The final pages remained blank, but at the very end was a small line of pencil writing, already smudged and faded. Each letter was bold and alive, revealing the profound happiness and fervor of the writer: “Liberty is the right to love and to be loved.”Story of Fiona:Little Fiona always thought that she lived in a world entirely separated from those wealthy girls, until this barefooted waif became a little Marchioness overnight. She had two fathers, one grand and handsome like a god, the other short and frail like a reed. They believed in completely different philosophies - the latter left her mired in poverty and shame, while the former pulled her into a heaven full of dignity and glory.Fiona chose one and abandoned the other. She felt she lacked nothing: beauty, wealth, honour, and love. Until she met that angel in the scarlet dress again. A century later, the old soldier who ended Fiona’s life recalled her in his memoir: “I felt that old lady was a blaze of fire. I aimed at her, shot, and she fell. But bullets could never snuff out flames.”What romantic entanglements will fate weave for these noble souls? LoveatDawn

全真虚拟游戏《命运》,洛林加入这个游戏的目的只是为了玩的开心就好,并不想卷入什么麻烦事,可是为何?他左手抱着懂事的人鱼萝莉,右手提着调皮的巨龙萝莉,背后还跟着沉默的幽灵萝莉,在游戏里沦为奶爸?有日... 在游戏世界成为几只萝莉的奶爸

蒋浚在五岁时发生意外,失去了一只小腿左腿膝盖以下全没有从那以后他变得不爱说话,性格孤僻,从不与外人打交道。那年盛夏,四岁的夏欣搬到了他家对面他们成为了邻居 夏欣人小话多,天天缠着蒋浚“哥哥,你为什么不和我说话啊?是讨厌欣欣吗?”“哥哥你等等我呀,我们一起回家”“哥哥他们都不喜欢你,可是我喜欢呀!哥哥你喜不喜欢我呀?”夏欣从小心智就不成熟,而蒋浚早熟。在他的世界里夏欣就似光一般的存在。他喜欢她,希望她是他的。他们青梅竹马.他的那句“我喜欢你”15年了才对她说出口.她太干净了,太单纯了“你知道吗?蒋浚我也好喜欢你”那年蒋浚10岁他的日记本上都关于夏欣.[夏欣现在长大了,都不叫我哥哥了,她今天叫我名字了,我第1次觉得自己的名字这么好听,因为是她叫的]…蒋浚不能没有夏欣只会暗暗喜欢的大哥哥X心智不成熟的小妹妹 那年盛夏

他是洛基,巴萨卡家族皇室继承人,手握重权,覆手为雨。 她是洛言惜,无权无势,没钱没颜值没身材,落魄的“前”豪门大小姐。 都说她借他上位,将好好的B城搅得天翻地覆。 是,那又怎样? 她要他的权,他拱手相送。 即便此后靠近他的女人都学她,可只有她是他一人的念念不忘。 柔软大床,红洒,佳肴,还有一个他。 他说:“小惜,今晚你是我的了!” 洛言惜:“……” 男人,打晕! 美食,吃掉! 钱财,卷走! 吃饱喝足,穿衣跑路! 掠爱成宠天降萌妻别想逃

结束了吗? 从孤儿院出来在外漂泊十几年,却拒绝少年的请求离开了世界。 哈哈,不甘心, 如果上天再给我次机会, 我一定要好好活下去。 穿越异世只想普通的活下去

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