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唐嘉下班后与久未见面的大学同学聊起感情往事:唐嘉在高中时代默默喜欢着何译,而那份感情只能由学校里的花草、树木、楼房、地砖、操场来见证。 我还有500米就到了

白天我看似平平无奇的普通人,夜晚我化生拯救世界的黑夜侠。 ??? 我都拥有超能力了我能不炫耀不装逼? 系统?我总有一天征服你 比装逼?你平平无奇的富二代装的过我? 突破世界上限

A 29 year old veteran who has seen enough battle to last a lifetime, Luke is tapped by the Special Response Team, a secretive new FBI agency (led by his mentor Don Morris) to tackle the most high-stake terrorism operations in the world.Luke, still haunted by his wartime past and newly married to an expecting Becca, is dispatched on a mission to Iraq, with his new partner Ed Newsam, to bring in a rogue American contractor. But what begins as a routine mission mushrooms into something much, much bigger.When the President’s teenage daughter, kidnapped in Europe, is ransomed by terrorists, Luke may be the only one in the world who can save her before it is too late. PrimaryTarget

有些人,一旦遇见了,便着了魔。 正如裴煜遇见林清,折磨到了尽头,才发现,早已爱到了骨子里。 林清红着眼问:“你有没有爱过我?” 换他一句,“这具身子,我倒是很喜欢,贱得很。” 五年后,她带着一对儿子回来,本以为再无交集,他却当着她的面,将离婚协议撕得粉碎。 “林清,这辈子,你都别想逃出我的掌控!” 遇见你着了魔

十八岁少年觉醒失败,回乡村跟着父亲种田。 返乡之后,少年发现村里的大婶,大叔,似乎有些不太寻常。 造化小神农

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