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《星际末世录》第67章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《星际末世录第67章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《星际末世录》完美结局版第67章全文。

Science fiction meets science fact! Frank Einstein (kid genius, scientist, and inventor) and his best friend, Watson, team up with Klink (a self-assembled artificial intelligence entity) to create the BrainTurbo to power-boost the human body and help their baseball-pitching pal Janegoodall make the team.But when Klank (a mostly self-assembled and artificial-almost-intelligence entity) goes missing, they must first rescue their robot pal and stop T. Edison-Frank's classmate and archrival-from stealing their latest invention and using it against them! FrankEinsteinandtheBrainTurbo(FrankEinsteinseries#3)

昨日夕阳下的温暖,如今已经成了现实,夕阳,温暖的火,我的爱! 温暖的爱

‘你就不怕我杀了你!’ ‘哈哈哈哈哈!’ ‘你的技能就变成小姑娘,能拿我怎样?’ (╯°Д°)╯︵┴┴ ‘啊,你为什么要逼我!’ ‘啊,好爽!’ 一剑斩首 ‘我又离猛男更近一步’ 女猫娘才不会死在卡牌之下

她从来没有想过,自己的爱人有一天会为了那个她而不惜牺牲自己的性命 全世界都不及我爱你

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