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《备胎》第258章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《备胎第258章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《备胎》完美结局版第258章全文。

Story of Edith&Andre: “O’Lady Liberty divine!For thee alone, my life I’d resign:I beseech all to carve thy name so fair,On my tombstone, for all to stare.”“This is a love poem for me?”Edith couldn’t help muttering resignedly. But what else could she do? Her lover was a stoic little leader! Every time she complained that he was always working tirelessly, Andre would smile and whisper in her ear, “Have you not heard? ‘A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave’.”It seemed like an ominous omen when he ultimately had neither a grave nor a tombstone.The only thing Andre left her was a small notebook with a red cover. The front page was inscribed with neatly written words: Love, Compassion, Liberty.The final pages remained blank, but at the very end was a small line of pencil writing, already smudged and faded. Each letter was bold and alive, revealing the profound happiness and fervor of the writer: “Liberty is the right to love and to be loved.”Story of Fiona:Little Fiona always thought that she lived in a world entirely separated from those wealthy girls, until this barefooted waif became a little Marchioness overnight. She had two fathers, one grand and handsome like a god, the other short and frail like a reed. They believed in completely different philosophies - the latter left her mired in poverty and shame, while the former pulled her into a heaven full of dignity and glory.Fiona chose one and abandoned the other. She felt she lacked nothing: beauty, wealth, honour, and love. Until she met that angel in the scarlet dress again. A century later, the old soldier who ended Fiona’s life recalled her in his memoir: “I felt that old lady was a blaze of fire. I aimed at her, shot, and she fell. But bullets could never snuff out flames.”What romantic entanglements will fate weave for these noble souls? LoveatDawn

戚玥追了顾淮四年,追成了整个娱乐圈的笑话。   所有都以为戚玥离不开顾淮,连顾淮自己也什么认为,所以他根本没想到,这个他向来不放在眼里的女人,有一天会先一脚踹了他! 一顾情深总裁追妻难

【1V1,男主同一人】舒莞宁生前作死,把戚陌寒给作没了!什么?戚陌寒不是人!好吧,为了补偿戚陌寒,她只能穿越位面去(太阳)偿了。  什么,不让开车,开车就要重来!  再见,得不到影帝就得回去继承亿万家产的小鲜肉!再见,闷烧猪蹄子黄金BOSS孩他爸!再见,病娇想弄死她的坏哥哥!再见,恃强凌弱无法无天的学渣!再见,恐怖阴森无比黑暗的杀手老大!再见,想把小太妃弄死的大太监!  舒莞宁崩溃了, 快穿男神快刹车

【缓慢更新,很慢,慎入】裴轻侠从墓里爬出来,发现世事变迁,沧海桑田。当年抱着他腿的幼弟,现在成为了清风剑阁的老祖。他随手救的小乞丐,入了苍凉派成了首席大弟子。曾经勾肩搭背的好友正在洗风峰上渡劫,说是出来就是仙尊之位……怎么原来认识的人一个个都变成了大佬?一数,还漏了一个?“先前说完了那仙家门派,咱来说说那沈刀月,那可是嗜杀疯癫的魔尊啊——”裴轻侠:?那家伙天生剑骨,更是被云上剑宗捧着的不世出天才,居然会变成魔尊?别个变成大佬就算了,沈刀月……这位可是他的死敌。*“三清山的花,已经开足了三年。”那道声音不疾不徐地回荡在这幽冥间,沈刀月低低笑出声来,“他回来了。”魔,已然睁了眼。——————————【预收《莫太傅说他不答应》】【预收文案】莫惊春一生战战兢兢、安分守己,千不该万不该就是在那精怪(系统)出现的时候应了一声,致使他被这精怪缠上。精怪(系统):任务失败,惩罚发送中——请记得及时接收任务二——莫惊春:……他低头看了看浸湿的胸前,面无表情地说道:“我不答应。”混账,有辱斯文!翌日,太子跨入殿中,若有所察。那平日端庄严肃正经的太傅身上,何尝多了一股香甜的奶味?他问。莫惊春看了眼桀骜不驯的太子殿下。莫惊春:……莫惊春:我答应了。悔恨这精怪手段太多! 我原来认识的人都变成了大佬

被迫替姐姐嫁入豪门,却不想结婚对象正是自己喜欢的多年的男人。再次相见,他却早已经不记得她,冷眼相对,让她滚出去自己的视线。当他好不容易重新爱上自己后,姐姐突然回归,要拿回这原本不属于她的一切,而她却在离开时发现自己已经有了他的孩子……五年后,她带着一个萌宝从海外归来。他再也不会放开她的手。“我要的人是你。”他将她压倒在床。她忍无可忍:“我要离家出走!”“你还有力气离家出走?”他轻轻一笑,“看来是我对你太温柔了!”后来某日小儿子趴在他膝头告状:“你是个坏爸爸,专门专欺负我妈妈!”他扶额头疼:“小笨蛋,不欺负你妈妈哪有你?你不想有个妹妹了?” 全城蜜恋总裁新婚100天

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