
情错不过相思 第31章

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任何的事物都具有各自的对立面,这个世界的构成也不例外。像善恶、黑白、是非等,我们不能给予它们绝对的概念,而是通过比较来定义。那么,真正的罪恶,本质的善良,究竟是如何的呢?在这个狂乱的游戏世界中,我,该... 重口味游戏

在这个世界中,修行上一直有着所谓“无魄不修玄”的说法,“魄”人体先天生成,其质量的高低决定着修行之路的长短。 呼延轩,世人口中的“废魄”之人,自身无法聚成“魄”,在修行底层徘徊着,白天是一个十足纨绔,夜晚则是一个修炼狂,可是修为却不堪入目...... 大千太墟

山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。归来时,才知那个男人竟用生命在回应她压在心底的那份爱恋。。。。。。苏暖说自己没有最爱的人,只是想永远留在路林远的身边,陪他看云卷云舒,看花开花落。许多年后,再看她时,眼角眉梢都是幸福的味道。人生就是这样,你会因为某人的一句话欣喜若狂,也会因为一句话泪流满面,而苏暖则是因为,那简简单单的四个字“不止曾经”。不爱江山爱红妆,路林远完美的诠释了这句话。仿佛他的一生就是为了跟苏暖相遇相守,其他一切,在他眼里都无足轻重。 他不会干涉她的选择,平常人家的女孩该经历的,他都不会刻意避免她去接触,或悲伤、或难过,那些也都是人生重要的一部分,了然这些的他当然也没有破坏她和他,那是她的选择啊,锥心之痛他却甘之如饴,当真是用生命在爱她。。。。。。 夏风皆过客与君共白头

高手,低调。护花狂龙藏身市井,醉了红尘乱了花阴,演绎出一幕幕霸气无双、又啼笑皆非的离奇韵事。 低调高手

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who am I? If you don’t know me, you can go to the hospital! Yes! I am the superkid ——008!Everyone know about me ,because I saved princess long long ago ,when I was teenager ,when I listened to Jay’s songs ……when I was handsome !……“Oh! What should I do? I’m so boring now! My dear dog, can you tell me?” I said to my dog, but my dog did nothing. It was eating its lunch.“Oh! My dog! I gave you a name called ‘Tomato ',because you are red .But your brain is a real tomato ——have nothing in it !”I said. But something different was happened suddenly! My foolish dog began to talk with me!“No! 008!I’m a superdog. Before I met you, I lived above the sky! Then a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN told me that I should give you a mission when you have 7stars on you feet.” I raise my smelly feet and discovered there were 7black points on my smelly feet. “It is the time to tell you the truth! You have to saved princess in Dark Castle immediately. It’s your mission. And I’ll help you, I can change in anything I like!” Soon my dog became a potato .I knew ,I must trust it at that time ——It’s a super dog ! ——I have a super dog !Then my dear dog Tomato told me that when I went to Dark Castle .I‘ll met a lot of monsters. And I must win them .At last, saved the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. And if I can do it I‘ll have something surprising and exciting.So I went to Dark Castle with my Tomato .And Tomato gave me a sword ,a shield and a pair of flying shoes.(I don’t know what shall I say now ,but I know something will be interesting next !I promise! I believe! So let’s read this interesting story together .To see what will happen next? And what about the dog, Tomato?! Next, we’ll tell you something about THE DRAGON AND 008!) By Ada TheAdventuresOfSuperkid

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