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一声只因你太美,就让小黑子臣服 玄鸡传说

A virus has infected the Arlington, Virginia, home of the NERDS headquarters, and it’s much worse than your run-of-the-mill flu. Instead of coughing and sneezing, the victims of this voracious virus are transformed into superintelligent criminal masterminds. Soon nearly everyone—including some of the NERDS team—is plotting to take over the world. With more people breaking out into evil cackles every day, it’s up to Flinch, the hyperactive superspy with a sweet tooth, to stop the virus. Flinch will have to miniaturize himself and take a fantastic voyage through supervillain Heathcliff’s body to fight white blood cells, stomach acid, and a nest of nasty nanobytes in the hope that he can save the world from the Villain Virus. TheVillainVirus(NERDSBookFour)

他是京城富人圈出了名的商业大亨,更是一众莺莺燕燕争相吃醋的乔家三少,可偏偏栽到了她的手里。 她是爹不疼娘不爱的现代灰姑娘,更有一个名义上的恩爱丈夫,可却被他给拖着“出墙”了。 他把她吃干抹净,还不忘附加条件:“给我生个孩子。” “我有老公,谢谢。” 他笑笑,从怀里掏出了一分署了名的离婚证书:“现在没了,生孩子吧。” “……” 前夫谋婚娇妻乖乖的

高一时,我的好闺蜜张施施暗恋了一个人,这高中这三年有无数次机会,能与他有个故事,但是她太怂了,首梓旭仅仅是站在她面前,她都会紧张的说不出话来。后来他毕业了,也因此消失在了我们的世界里 我暗恋你的他

她傻傻的爱着他,一心想要嫁给他,他却只把她当成复仇的一颗棋子。 空付相思意

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