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寻一线生机,破神言之局。 静玄唤无岚

战火纷飞,炮声不断,一颗红色的星在天空飘扬着。逆转未来,不放过历史的每个角落。 *本作描述了历代战争,含有虚构成分。 *本作无法成为直接参考对象。 *本作由前至后发展,真实事件数量并不能确定。 战争动荡

Science fiction meets science fact! Frank Einstein (kid genius, scientist, and inventor) and his best friend, Watson, team up with Klink (a self-assembled artificial intelligence entity) to create the BrainTurbo to power-boost the human body and help their baseball-pitching pal Janegoodall make the team.But when Klank (a mostly self-assembled and artificial-almost-intelligence entity) goes missing, they must first rescue their robot pal and stop T. Edison-Frank's classmate and archrival-from stealing their latest invention and using it against them! FrankEinsteinandtheBrainTurbo(FrankEinsteinseries#3)

我叫陈东野,家住偏远农村,我有个哑巴娘,不会说话,但很温柔贤惠。上大学那年,我爹犯心脏病离世,奶奶却吊打我娘,说是她害的,晚上的时候却发现我娘死在我爹的坟头上,接下去种种离奇,接踵而来..... 哑娘

普希金一生共写了八百多首抒情诗,《曾有一个人爱我如生命:普希金经典文选》精选了他在各个创作阶段中的优秀诗歌及小说作品,所选篇目均是俄国文坛流传百世的精品。普希金的优秀作品达到了内容与形式的高度统一,他歌颂爱情,他热爱自由,他用自己所擅长的方式,来表达自己的感情,表达自己的政治立场。 曾有一个人爱我如生命普希金经典文选

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